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Your GDPR rights

Right of access

The right of access allows you to ask us what personal data we hold about you and to request that we provide you with the information to verify its content.

Right of rectification

The right to rectification allows you to request that we correct inaccurate or incomplete information about you. It prevents us from using or distributing inaccurate information about you.

Right to erasure

The right to erasure allows you to request that personal data about you be deleted.

Right to restrict processing

The right to restrict processing allows you to ask us to temporarily block the use of some of your personal data.

Right to portability

The right to portability allows you to access the personal data you have provided in a machine-readable format. The right to portability therefore allows you to store this portable data in another location or simply transfer it from one system to another and from Opus Regis to another controller in order to reuse it for other purposes.

Right to object

The right to object allows you to object to us using some of your personal data at any time.

Right of withdrawal

Anyone who consents to a particular treatment has the right to withdraw consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the consent-based treatment prior to the withdrawal.

Right to complain

In case of dissatisfaction, you have the right to lodge your complaint with the Luxembourg authority responsible for data protection, the National Data Protection Commission: